Information regarding the physical packing (pallet, container, box, etc) of the goods on the despatch advice line.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"
Child elements
Card Name Description
0..1 cbc:ID

Handling unit identifier
Identifies the transport handling unit.

0..1 cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode

Handling unit type
The type of packaging that represent the handling unit, such as box, pallet, container etc.

0..1 cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Handling unit hazardous indicator
Indicates whether the shipment contains hazardous materials.

0..1 cbc:ShippingMarks

Handing unit shipping marks
Free-form description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package.

0..n cac:MeasurementDimension

Information regarding weight/volume of the transport handling unit.