Information about the single payload.

xha oasis-cefact-xhe-1.0-AggregateComponents
Child elements
Card Name Description
0..1 xhb:ID

Identification of the payload instance.

Example value: 12345

0..n xhb:Description

Textual description of the payload instance.

Example value: Catalogue templates

0..1 xhb:DocumentTypeCode

Document Type Code
Express the type of document by using a code from code list 'UNCL1001'.

Example value: 758

0..1 xhb:ContentTypeCode

Document file format
File format of the payload instance.

Example value: application/pdf

1..1 xhb:InstanceEncryptionIndicator

Instance Encryption Indicator
An indicator that states whether the payload instance is encrypted or not. Always use 'False'.

Fixed value: False

0..1 xha:PayloadContent

Payload content item
Payload content of business documents embedded as binary object (Base64).

Example value: RFBTIE5vdGljZSBwYWNrYWdlcw==