
Element 'Description' MUST have value "The economic operator intends possibly to subcontract the following proportion (i.e. percentage) of the contract. Please note that if the economic operator has decided to subcontract a part of the contract and relies on the subcontractor’s capacities to perform that part, then please fill in a separate ESPD for such subcontractors, see Part II, Section C above.".

ccv:Criterion[cbc:ID[normalize-space(text()) = '612a1625-118d-4ea4-a6db-413184e7c0a8']]
normalize-space(cbc:Description) = 'The economic operator intends possibly to subcontract the following proportion (i.e. percentage) of the contract. Please note that if the economic operator has decided to subcontract a part of the contract and relies on the subcontractor’s capacities to perform that part, then please fill in a separate ESPD for such subcontractors, see Part II, Section C above.'