This document describes the data formats used when trading partners exchange procurement information electronically (Norwegian: Elektronisk Handelsformat; EHF). It is prepared as part of the initiative taken by the Norwegian “Agency of Public Management and eGovernment” (Difi) within the standardization of electronic procurement.

1. Introduction

1.1. Context

ESPD - the European Single Procurement Document is mandatory in public procurement procedures according to anskaffelsesforskriften, part III and forsyningsforskriften, part II from 1. January 2017.

The European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a self-declaration document intended for preliminary evidence in a public procurement procedure. The requirements are first set by the Contracting Authority (CA), in an ESPD request which is part of the call for competition.

The Economic Operator (EO) answers the requirements from the Contracting Authority in a corresponding ESPD Response, and sends this ESPD Response to the CA with the tendering documents.

1.1.1. The electronic and structured ESPD documents

This EHF is based on the work done by DG GROW. DG GROW has developed a data model, XSD schemas and validation artefacts (schematron) for the exchange of the ESPD between any Procurement stakeholder’s system. This document illustrates in detail how to use these artefacts in the Norwegian market and in compliance with the anskaffelsesforskriften and forsyningsforskriften.

This EHF describes two transactions:


Document that is sent by the Contracting Authorities to the Economic Operators


The document that is filled-in by the Economic Operators stating whether they fulfil or not the criteria required in the ESPD Request, and providing the sources where evidences can be obtained to prove that the criteria are met by this EO.

1.2. Scope of this document

This document explains and illustrates how to implement XML documents based on the Data Model and XSD Schema from the European Commission, as well as any specific requirements for use in the Norwegian marked (EHF specific rules and restrictions). The ESPD data model (ESPD-EDM) is rich and flexible enough so as to allow ESPD instances for contracts above and below the threshold. However this document is oriented exclusively to illustrate how to create ESPD electronic documents for contracts above the threshold.

1.2.1. Out-of-Scope

Many of the requirements and recommendations expressed in this document MAY NOT be valid for contracts below the threshold. However, from a purely technical point of view, this document MAY be used to understand how the ESPD data model works, and to create, in a normalized way, XML instances containing criteria for contracts below the threshold.

2. The ESPD Exchange Data Model

The ESPD Exchange Data Model (ESPD EDM) re-uses three other models, that were defined in parallel to the ESPD, the Core Criterion Data Model, the Core Evidence Data Model, and the OASIS UBL-2.1 common information components.

The figure below presents a high-level view of this data architecture for the entire ESPD-EDM. The blocks coloured in green represent libraries of components defined by the UBL-2.1 Technical Committee (TC), whilst the rest have been defined from scratch by the EU Commission (COM) ESPD development team. The blocks represented in the figure represents either a document (e.g. ESPDRequest and ESPDResponse) or a library (the rest of the blocks). Per each document or library one XSD Schema has been implemented. Each Schema has been assigned its own namespace and a specific prefix representing the namespace.

data architecture
Figure 1. High-level view of the ESPD-EDM data architecture

2.1. Schemas used

The table below lists the file names corresponding to each block, schema, namespace and namespace-prefix.

Table 1. Schemas, namespaces and prefixes used by the ESPDResponse
Schema name XSD file names Namespace Prefix









ESPD Aggregate Components




Core Criterion Vocabulary Aggregate Components




Core Evidence Vocabulary Aggregate Components




UBL-2.1 CAC Common Aggregate Components




ESPD Common Basic Components




CCV-CBC Core Criterion Vocabulary Common Basic Components




CEV-CBC Core Evidence Vocabulary Common Basic Components




UBL-2.1 Common Basic Components




2.2. Namespaces

The example below shows how these namespaces and prefixes are specified in the ESPDResponse XSD Schema, as well as how the different layers of schemas specified in the ESPD-EDM data architecture are imported:

Namespaces and prefixes in the ESPDResponse-1.0.xsd Schema
<xsd:schema xmlns="urn:grow:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:ESPDResponse-1" (1)
        elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0.2">(9)
        <xsd:import namespace="urn:grow:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:ESPD-CommonBasicComponents-1"
        <xsd:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"
        <xsd:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"
        <xsd:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2"
        <xsd:element name="ESPDResponse" type="ESPDResponseType"/>
        <xsd:complexType name="ESPDResponseType">
                        <!-- Code ommited for clarity-->
1 Default namespace representing the document ESPDResponse
2 "espd-cac", prefix for the Common Aggregate Components defined by COM for the ESPD, e.g. "espd-cac:EconomicOperatorParty"
3 "espd-cbc", prefix for the Common Basic Components defined by COM for the ESPD, e.g. "espd-cbc:SMEIndicator"
4 "ccv", prefix for the Core Criterion Vocabulary elements, e.g. "ccv:Criterion" (elements belonging to the Core Evidence Vocabulary are used by
5 "cac", prefix for the Common Aggregate Components defined in UBL-2.1, e.g. "cac:ContractingParty"
6 "cbc", prefix for the Common Basic Component defined in UBL-2.1, e.g. "cbc:TypeCode"
7 "ext", default prefix defined in UBL-2.1 for non-standard extensions of the schema (Not used in EHF)
8 targetNamespace matching to the default schema namespace, aligned to UBL practice
9 use of "qualified", "unqualified" and "version" defaults aligned to the best practices, as in UBL

The example below illustrates the header of an ESPD Response XML document instance that implements the namespaces of the above schema:

Declaration of the namespaces and prefixes in the ESPD Response XML document instance

Example of use of the namespace prefixes in the ESPD Response XML document instance
<!-- code ommited for clarity -->

<ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">
    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">f4313bb6-21b6-499e-bdff-debe10e11d2c</cbc:ID>
                <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">abf94e2d-f2cd-4d8f-8654-6d19d2892458</cbc:ID>(1)

<!-- code ommited for clarity -->
1 Notice that in the XML instance namespaces that are not referred to in the XSD schema of the ESPDResponse document are needed as they instantiate elements from other inner schemata of the data architecture, e.g. "cev:Evidence"

2.3. The Core Criterion and Core Evidence Data Models and Vocabularies

When creating a new ESPD Request XML document, the Contracting Authority (CA) specifies the series of exclusion and selection ''criteria'' that the Economic Operator (EO) has to satisfy for a specific Procurement Project. In the ESPD Response, the Economic Operator (EO) MAY provide where to get evidences that prove it satisfies the criteria required by the CA.

Two new data models were defined from scratch by the European Commission (COM), the Core Criterion Data Model and the Core Evidence Data Model. Once implemented as XSD schemata these Data Models are named ''Core Criterion Vocabulary'' and ''Core Evidence Vocabulary''. Both Data Models (and therefore the vocabularies too) are interrelated.

From the modelling perspective the main difference between the ESPDRequest and the ESPDResponse is that the ESPDRequest does not use the Response element, and therefore neither the XML Core Evidence Vocabulary.

2.4. Detailed ESPD data model

Below is an overview of the ESPD data model, showing the business information content and cardinality. The classes marked in blue are not used by the ESPD Request, only by the ESPD Response transaction. The classes that are white, are used by both the ESPD Request and the ESPD Response.


3. Criterion

Criteria are at the core of the ESPD and is used to describe a condition that the economic operator has to fulfil in order to not be excluded and be selected as a candidate for awarding in a procurement procedure.

The two main groups of Criteria relevant for the ESPD are the ones required in the Directive, Exclusion and Selection criteria. This section gives a detailed view on how to specify each of those criteria. Its content is aligned to the Norwegian ESPD standard form establishing the standard form for the European Single Procurement Document.

3.1. Core Criterion Data Models and Vocabularies

The UML diagram below shows in detail the classes of the Core Criterion used in the ESPDRequest XML document.

Figure 2. UML diagram

The above UML diagram SHOULD be interpreted as follows:

  • One Criterion contains one or more Groups of Requirements

  • One Criterion MAY be linked to a specific Legislation

  • One Group of Requirements contains one or More Requirements

Example of criterion
    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
    <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2"
    <cbc:Name>Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement
    <cbc:Description>Has the economic operator or an undertaking related to it advised the
        contracting authority or contracting entity or otherwise been involved in the preparation
        of the procurement procedure?</cbc:Description>
            February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</ccv-cbc:Title>
        <cbc:Description>Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description>
        <ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode listID="CriterionJurisdictionLevel"
            listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2"
        <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">(4)
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
            <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
        <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
1 UUID from Criteria Taxonomy
2 Legislation reference
3 Requirement group
4 Requirement with expected response type (INDICATOR)

3.2. Criterion structure and the taxonomy

This EHF ESPD is based on the ESDP datamodel from the EU commission, and its method of structuring the criterions. Each criterion has a defined set of requirement groups and requirements, all documented by the EU Commission in the Criteria Taxonomy.

Please note that a file with all criteria and their corresponding Norwegian translation are provided, to enable the Norwegian text in user interfaces.

Please note that requirement groups can be nested within other requirement groups.

The following "rules" has been established on how to build up a data structure:

3.2.1. Taxonomy

Respect the structure for each criterion in the Criteria Taxonomy

Repeatable requirement groups

In the espd response there is a need to provide more than one repetition of an answer. To cater for this, some requirement groups are repeatable, this is documented in the CriteriaTaxonomy.xml for EHF with the attribute repeatable set to true. The attribute has a default value of false, meaning that if the attribute is not present for a group, the group is not repeatable.

Both groups directly connected to a criterion and nested groups can have this attribute. If a group is repeatable it must exist at least once.

Example of a repeatable requirement group in the Criteria Taxonomy
<RequirementGroup id="7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345">
   <RequirementGroupId repeatable="true">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</RequirementGroupId> (1)
1 Attribute repeatable is set to true
Optional requirements and requirement groups

In an ESPD response some requirements are conditional and the requirements are phrased like "Where applicable, name of the participating group:"

For these requirements, the response is technically set to optional, but if a response is not provided, a warning is thrown, to give guidance that this is information that might be needed in particular scenarios, and prevent economic operators from omitting the response by mistake.

Example of how a requirement is set to optional in the Criteria taxonomy
<RequirementGroup id="f5276600-a2b6-4ff6-a90e-b31fe19dae41">
     <RequirementId optional="true">9ca9096f-edd2-4f19-b6b1-b55c83a2d5c8</RequirementId> (1)
1 The 4th requirement in this group is set to optional, all other requirements must be answered.

In the espd response message, if the economic operator does not answer an optional requirement, the requirement it self must be present in the response-instance document, but the entire ccv:Response element must be omitted. (See example below)

Example of use of an optional requirement in an ESPD response
   <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7c637c0c-7703-4389-ba52-02997a055bd7</cbc:ID>
   <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
      <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">974c8196-9d1c-419c-9ca9-45bb9f5fd59a</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
         <ccv-cbc:Indicator>true</ccv-cbc:Indicator> (1)
   <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
      <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">f5276600-a2b6-4ff6-a90e-b31fe19dae41</cbc:ID>
      <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DATE">
         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">ecf40999-7b64-4e10-b960-7f8ff8674cf6</cbc:ID>
         <cbc:Description>Date of conviction</cbc:Description>
            <cbc:Date>2019-04-07</cbc:Date> (2)
      <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7d35fb7c-da5b-4830-b598-4f347a04dceb</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Begrunnelse for dom</cbc:Description> (2)
      <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">c5012430-14da-454c-9d01-34cedc6a7ded</cbc:ID>
         <cbc:Description>Who has been convicted</cbc:Description>
            <cbc:Description>Ole Olesen</cbc:Description> (2)
      <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="PERIOD">
         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">9ca9096f-edd2-4f19-b6b1-b55c83a2d5c8</cbc:ID>
         <cbc:Description>Length of the period of exclusion</cbc:Description> (3)
         <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
         <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">20c5361b-7599-4ee6-b030-7f8323174d1e</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (&quot;Self-Cleaning&quot;)?</cbc:Description>
         <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7b07904f-e080-401a-a3a1-9a3efeeda54b</cbc:ID>
               <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
1 Response indicator set to true, meaning the requirement group must be filled (See further details in the chapter Indicator below)
2 Mandatory requirements is responded to
3 Requirement is set to optional in the Criteria Taxonomy, and no response element is provided

3.2.2. Indicator

The first requirement of a requirement group is reserved to ask a question where the response is an INDICATOR (boolean true or false).

Example of indicator in first requirement
    <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
    <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">(1)
        <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">c1347b74-1872-4060-a6db-f4044edcd7c4</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
1 First requirement of the group has expected response type INDICATOR

3.2.3. Use of attribute pi

The attribute pi of the requirement group element is used to determine if the requirements and nested requirement groups must be answered expicitly or not.

The attribute has the following possible values:


If the INDICATOR is set to true, the group and nested sub-groups must be answered. This is the case for all the exclusion criteria.


If the INDICATOR is set to false, the group and nested sub-groups must be answered. Valid for some of the selection criteria.

Example of use of pi-attribute
    <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7c637c0c-7703-4389-ba52-02997a055bd7</cbc:ID>
    <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
        <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">974c8196-9d1c-419c-9ca9-45bb9f5fd59a</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
    <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">(1)
        <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">f5276600-a2b6-4ff6-a90e-b31fe19dae41</cbc:ID>
        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DATE">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">ecf40999-7b64-4e10-b960-7f8ff8674cf6</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Date of conviction</cbc:Description>

        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7d35fb7c-da5b-4830-b598-4f347a04dceb</cbc:ID>

            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
1 ccv:RequirementGroup/@pi set to GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE
2 The indicator is set to false, so explicit answer to this group must not be sent
Attribute pi not used

If the attribute pi is not used, the requirement group must be answered

Example of pi-attribute not used
    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">0d62c6ed-f074-4fcf-8e9f-f691351d52ad</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.RELIES_ON_OTHER_CAPACITIES</cbc:TypeCode>
    <cbc:Name>EO relies capacities</cbc:Name>
    <cbc:Description>Does the economic operator rely on the capacities of other entities in order
     to meet the selection criteria set out under Part IV and the criteria and rules (if any)
     set out under Part V below?</cbc:Description>
        <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">e688f7d6-dcef-4726-bc61-052e63ead60f</cbc:ID>
        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7f18c64e-ae09-4646-9400-f3666d50af51</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
1 ccv:RequirementGroup/@pi not present

3.3. Criteria structure

The flow-chart below illustrates the structure of the criteria

Figure 3. General data-structure design for criteria and requirements with a ''yes'' or ''no'' answer"
  • This criterion has two main groups of requirements (G1: Breach? and G2: Online Evidence);

  • The first group of requirements has one requirement and one sub-group or requirements;

  • If the response to the requirement is "Yes" (ON TRUE) the EO will have to provide the date of the conviction, the reason, who was convicted and for how long. If the response is "No", then the EO will proceed providing data about whether there’s online evidence or not regarding to the absence of conviction (if that is possible).

  • This behaviour repeats per each subgroup of requirements: the deepest subgroup of the structure for the group 1 will have to be filled by the EO in case a requirement has a "Yes" in the response to the requirement Self-Cleaning.

4. Evidence

Evidence is used by the economic operator to refer to a trusted source of proofs that supports the stated response to a criterion requirement.

In the ESPD Exchange Data Model (ESPD EDM) the Evidence class is part of the Response to a Requirement, as shown in the XSD diagram below

4.1. Core Evidence Data Models and Vocabularies

The UML diagram below shows in detail the classes of the Core Evidence used in the ESPD Response XML document.

Figure 4. UML diagram
Example of evidence
<ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">(1)
    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">03bb1954-13ae-47d8-8ef8-b7fe0f22d700</cbc:ID>
                <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">a77cd875-3fc9-46eb-8792-b2ed8ad29638</cbc:ID>(2)
1 Response fulfillment indicator
2 Evidence document identifier
3 Evidence document URI

5. Description of selected information blocks

This chapter describes selected blocks of information that is used in both the ESPD Request and Response transaction, providing valid snippets of xml code.

5.1. Parties

For this specification we allow for foreign parties in the EHF, as its use is required by law and currently used in a 3-corner model, and at the time of writing there exists no corresponding PEPPOL BIS

5.1.1. Contracting body


The contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the anskaffelsesforskriften and forsyningsforskriften.

The contracting body must be identified, hence information about the party is required, such as party name, identification, endpoint id, and country.

The ESPDRequest uses the aggregate element cac:ContractingParty to represent information on the contracting body, but uses only a reduced subset of its element. The XSD Schema however imports the entire aggregate element, but only the elements shown in the example below, is expected in the ESPD Request

Example of contracting body
        <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="NO:ORGNR">991825827</cbc:EndpointID>
            <cbc:ID schemeID="NO:ORGNR">991825827</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Name>Name of CO</cbc:Name>
                <cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listName="CountryCodeIdentifier" listVersionID="1.0.2">NO</cbc:IdentificationCode>

5.1.2. Economic Operator


Economic operator means any natural or legal person or public entity or group of such persons and/or entities, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market

The ESPDResponse was explicitly designed to hold data about one single Economic Operator. Thus, the ESPDResponse Exchange Data Model associates a class EconomicOperatorParty as a placeholder for the data related to only one Economic Operator (EO) that tenders solely to a procurement project, to one of the EOs that tender as part of a group (e.g. a Consortium), or to one possible sub-contractor of the EO.

Consortia grouping more than one EO need to draft and submit as many ESPDResponses as Economic Operators and sub-contractors participate in the tender.

Example of economic operator
        <espd-cbc:NaturalPersonRoleDescription>Daglig leder</espd-cbc:NaturalPersonRoleDescription>
                            <cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listName="CountryCodeIdentifier" listVersionID="1.0.2">NO</cbc:IdentificationCode>
        <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="NO:ORGNR">987654325</cbc:EndpointID>
            <cbc:ID schemeID="National_Number">987654325</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:StreetName>Hovedgaten 32</cbc:StreetName>
                <cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listName="CountryCodeIdentifier" listVersionID="1.0.2">NO</cbc:IdentificationCode>

5.2. Additional Document Reference

The ESPD reuses this UBL-2.1 component to allow both the contracting body (in the ESPDRequest) and the economic operator (in the ESPDResponse) to include references to documents that they might consider relevant including in the XML instances of both types of documents.

The ESPD uses the following data for referencing additional documents:

  • The document ID;

  • The issue date and time;

  • The document type code;

  • A title for the document; and

  • A description of its content and/or intended purpose; and

  • The URL where to access its content.

Example of additional document reference used in the ESPDRequest XML document.
    <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeAgencyName="DG GROW (European Commission)" schemeVersionID="1.1">18/00001</cbc:ID>(1)
    <cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="ReferencesTypeCodes" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0">NGOJ</cbc:DocumentTypeCode>(2)
1 Doffin referanse
2 The code for this type of content
All ESPD Response instances MUST always include an Additional Document Reference indicating the TeD reference number of the Contract Notice the ESPD is related to. This reference number MUST be specified in the field cbc:ID of the element cac:AdditionalDocumentReference component, and MUST follow the scheme defined by the Publications Office: [][][][]/S [][][]-[][][][][][] (e.g. 2015/S 252-461137).
Example of additional document reference used in the ESPDResponse XML document.
<!-- Reference to the corresponding ESPD Request -->

    <cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeAgencyName="DG GROW (European Commission)" schemeVersionID="1.1">fd8b7a4f-9ecb-4605-b4b9-c011055a7767</cbc:ID>(1)
    <cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="ReferencesTypeCodes" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0">ESPD_REQUEST</cbc:DocumentTypeCode>

<!-- Reference to the Contracting notice in TED -->
    <cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeAgencyName="DG GROW (European Commission)" schemeVersionID="1.1">2018/S
    <cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="ReferencesTypeCodes" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0">TED_CN</cbc:DocumentTypeCode>(5)
            <cbc:Description>Test description</cbc:Description>
1 UUID for the ESPD Request
2 Issue date of the ESPD Request
3 Issue time of the ESPD request
4 Ted reference number of the Contract Notice
5 Document type code

5.3. Lots

CAs may for larger contracts choose to devide the contract into lots (sub-contracts). Lots is used in ESPD to differenciate responses provided by EOs.

Lots are described in procurement documents provided by CA, however a short description is provided inside the ESPD request when used. The description (constiting of name and description) is used only to choose correct lot(s) in the form when creating the ESPD response.

Example of use of the lots in the ESPD XML document.
<ext:UBLExtensions> (1)
    <cbc:ID></cbc:ID> (2)
    <cbc:Name>Lots description</cbc:Name> (2)
      <Lots xmlns=""> (3)
        <VersionID>1.0</VersionID> (4)
        <Lot> (5)
          <ID>lot-01</ID> (6)
          <Title>Fixing roof</Title> (7)
          <OptionalCritierias> (8)
          <Description>Plant five trees at the driveway.</Description> (9)
1 Using UBL extension to include information about lots.
2 Identification of extension used for lots.
3 Lots using XSD Schema provided by Difi.
4 Version of XSD Schema used, for EHF ESPD is 1.0 used.
5 A Lot element is used to describe a single lot.
6 Unique identifier (within a single ESPD request) for referencing of a given lot. Must not include empty space or comma (,).
7 Short title describing the lot.
8 Optional list of criteria identifiers made optional when providing ESPD response for the given lot. Please note only selection criterias may be included in this list.
9 Optional short description of a given lot to help destinguish the different lots.

Applications generating EHF ESPD Response 1.1 must include the extension providing information about lots when such information is provided in the ESPD request.

ESPD responses for given lots must define the lots using an addition document reference with "LOTS" as document type.

Example of lots for which the ESPD response is a response for.
  <cbc:ID>lot-01</cbc:ID> (1)
  <cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="ReferencesTypeCodes" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0">LOTS</cbc:DocumentTypeCode> (2)
1 Identifier of lot(s) used. In the case of multiple lots must comma (,) be used as separator. Empty space may be added (e.g. lot-01, lot-02).
2 Identifying document reference for lots used.

Lots may be used to differenciate selection criterias (not exclusion criterias) for the individual subcontract. When OptionalCriterias is used to provide selection critierias made optional may the producer of ESPD response for the given lot skip answering the optional criteria(s). In the case of answering for multiple lots in one ESPD response are only those criterias made optional in all selected lots optional.

5.4. Selection criteria

The contracting authority can in the ESPD request indicate if the economic operator can provide a global indication for all selection criteria (alpha criterion, α:), or if the economic operator must answer the specified selection criteria.

5.4.1. Global indication for all selection criteria (part IV, α:)

In the EPSD request, the contracting authority indicate that the economic operator only need to fill in information for the alpha criterion (α:, in Norwegian often referred to as "lille-a"), by using the criterion code CRITERION.SELECTION.ALL_SATISFIED.

If the alpha criterion is used, the details of the specific selection criteria shall not be sent in either the ESPD request or the response, and if the different selection criteria (part IV, A to D) is used, the alpha criterion cannot be used.
Example of use of the alpha-criterion in the ESPD request
     <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7e7db838-eeac-46d9-ab39-42927486f22d</cbc:ID>
     <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ALL_SATISFIED</cbc:TypeCode>
     <cbc:Name>All selection criteria will be satisfied</cbc:Name>
     <cbc:Description>It satisfies all the required selection criteria indicated in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents referred to in the notice.</cbc:Description>
        <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">f3a6836d-2de2-4cd1-81ca-fb06178d05c5</cbc:ID>
        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
           <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">15335c12-ad77-4728-b5ad-3c06a60d65a4</cbc:ID>
           <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
Example of use of the alpha-criterion in the ESPD response
   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7e7db838-eeac-46d9-ab39-42927486f22d</cbc:ID>
   <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ALL_SATISFIED</cbc:TypeCode>
   <cbc:Name>All selection criteria will be satisfied</cbc:Name>
   <cbc:Description>It satisfies all the required selection criteria indicated in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents referred to in the notice.</cbc:Description>
      <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">f3a6836d-2de2-4cd1-81ca-fb06178d05c5</cbc:ID>
      <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">15335c12-ad77-4728-b5ad-3c06a60d65a4</cbc:ID>
         <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
            <ccv-cbc:Indicator>true</ccv-cbc:Indicator> (1)
1 The economic operator verifies that all the selection criteria will be satisfied.

5.4.2. Use of different selection criteria, part IV, A to D

If the different selection criteria are used (part IV, A to D), the economic operator shall answer each of the criteria as listed in the request, they cannot give a global indicator in this scenario.

Example of use of a specific selection criterion in the ESPD request
      <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">87b3fa26-3549-4f92-b8e0-3fd8f04bf5c7</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.TRADE_REGISTER_ENROLMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
      <cbc:Name>Enrolment in a trade register</cbc:Name>
      <cbc:Description>It is enrolled in trade registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that Annex.</cbc:Description>
         <ccv-cbc:Title>DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</ccv-cbc:Title>
         <cbc:Description>Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description>
         <ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode listID="CriterionJurisdictionLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">EU_DIRECTIVE</ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode>
         <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">1768de86-a6c8-48e4-bd8e-de2f2f7424d0</cbc:ID>
         <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">15335c12-ad77-4728-b5ad-3c06a60d65a4</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
         <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">9026e403-3eb6-4705-a9e9-e21a1efc867d</cbc:ID>
         <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">9dae5670-cb75-4c97-901b-96ddac5a633a</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
         <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">0a166f0a-0c5f-42b0-81e9-0fc9fa598a48</cbc:ID>
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">03bb1954-13ae-47d8-8ef8-b7fe0f22d700</cbc:ID>
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="CODE">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">e2d863a0-60cb-4e58-8c14-4c1595af48b7</cbc:ID>
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">5cbf74d9-a1e2-4233-921d-8b298842ee7d</cbc:ID>
Example of use of a specific selection criterion in the ESPD response
       <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">87b3fa26-3549-4f92-b8e0-3fd8f04bf5c7</cbc:ID>
       <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.TRADE_REGISTER_ENROLMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
       <cbc:Name>Enrolment in a trade register</cbc:Name>
       <cbc:Description>It is enrolled in trade registers kept in the Member State of its
        establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from
        certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that
           February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</ccv-cbc:Title>
           <cbc:Description>Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description>
           <ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode listID="CriterionJurisdictionLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2">EU_DIRECTIVE</ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode>
           <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">1768de86-a6c8-48e4-bd8e-de2f2f7424d0</cbc:ID>
           <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">15335c12-ad77-4728-b5ad-3c06a60d65a4</cbc:ID>
               <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
               <ccv:Response> (1)
           <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">9026e403-3eb6-4705-a9e9-e21a1efc867d</cbc:ID>
           <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">9dae5670-cb75-4c97-901b-96ddac5a633a</cbc:ID>
               <cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
               <ccv:Response> (2)
           <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
               <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">0a166f0a-0c5f-42b0-81e9-0fc9fa598a48</cbc:ID>
               <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">
                   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">03bb1954-13ae-47d8-8ef8-b7fe0f22d700</cbc:ID>
                   <ccv:Response> (3)
                               <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">a77cd875-3fc9-46eb-8792-b2ed8ad29638</cbc:ID>
               <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="CODE">
                   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">e2d863a0-60cb-4e58-8c14-4c1595af48b7</cbc:ID>
                   <ccv:Response> (4)
               <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">5cbf74d9-a1e2-4233-921d-8b298842ee7d</cbc:ID>
1 The EO operator answers true to the criteria of enrolment in a business register
2 The EO operator answers true to the question if this information is available electronically.
3 The EO provide the URL to the registry
4 The EO states the registration code (Norwegian organizational number)

5.5. National criterias

In Norway there are two mandatory national exclusion grounds:

  1. Purely national exclusion grounds related to criminal convictions or accepted fine ( Regulations Regarding Public Procurement FOR-2016-08-12-974 § 24-2 (2) a-f ).

    • In Norwegian legislation "accepted fine" is an additional condition equal to "criminal conviction"

  1. Purely national exclusion grounds related to grave professional misconduct (Regulations Regarding Public Procurement FOR-2016-08-12-974 §24-2 (3) i)

    • The grounds for refusal referred to in article 24-2 (3) i, of which it is stated that the supplier in general has committed serious errors which raise doubts about his professional integrity. The rejection criteria in the ESPD applies only to grave misconduct in the profession, while the Norwegian grounds for rejection also include other grave misconduct that may cause doubts regarding the professional integrity of the supplier

The general national criterion CRITERION.EXCLUSION.NATIONAL.OTHER is not on use in EHF ESPD
Example of use of the specific national criteria in an ESPD request
      <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
      <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2"
      <cbc:Name>Accepted fine for criminal behaviour</cbc:Name>
      <cbc:Description>Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its
         administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or
         control therein accepted a fine for the circumstances listed above, within the meaning of
         Regulations Regarding Public Procurement FOR-2016-08-12-974 § 24-2 (2)
         <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">976b5acb-c00f-46ca-8f83-5ce6abfdfe43</cbc:ID>
         <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">974c8196-9d1c-419c-9ca9-45bb9f5fd59a</cbc:ID>
            <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
         <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">64a2102c-4af1-4ecb-97b3-0c41907ec0f6</cbc:ID>
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">e098da8e-4717-4500-965f-f882d5b4e1ad</cbc:ID>
               <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
               <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
               <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
                  <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">20c5361b-7599-4ee6-b030-7f8323174d1e</cbc:ID>
                  <cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (&quot;Self-Cleaning&quot;)?</cbc:Description>
               <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
                  <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
                  <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                     <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7b07904f-e080-401a-a3a1-9a3efeeda54b</cbc:ID>
                     <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
         <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
         <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
            <cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
         <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="CODE">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
               <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
Example of use of the specific national criteria in an ESPD response
        <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
        <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0.2"
        <cbc:Name>Accepted fine for criminal behaviour</cbc:Name>
        <cbc:Description>Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its
            administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or
            control therein accepted a fine for the circumstances listed above, within the meaning of
            Regulations Regarding Public Procurement FOR-2016-08-12-974 § 24-2 (2)
                <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">976b5acb-c00f-46ca-8f83-5ce6abfdfe43</cbc:ID>
                <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
                    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">974c8196-9d1c-419c-9ca9-45bb9f5fd59a</cbc:ID>
                    <cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
                <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
                    <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">64a2102c-4af1-4ecb-97b3-0c41907ec0f6</cbc:ID>
                    <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                        <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">e098da8e-4717-4500-965f-f882d5b4e1ad</cbc:ID>
                        <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
                            <cbc:Description>Description about the national criteria</cbc:Description>
                    <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
                    <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
                        <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">20c5361b-7599-4ee6-b030-7f8323174d1e</cbc:ID>
                        <cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (&quot;Self-Cleaning&quot;)?</cbc:Description>
                    <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
                        <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
                        <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                            <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0">7b07904f-e080-401a-a3a1-9a3efeeda54b</cbc:ID>
                            <cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>

            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
            <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
                <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                <cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
            <ccv:RequirementGroup pi="GROUP_FULFILLED.ON_TRUE">
                <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="1.0"
                <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="EVIDENCE_URL">
                    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="CODE">
                    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                <ccv:Requirement responseDataType="DESCRIPTION">
                    <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"