Identifier/Error message | Flag |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-CL001 Reason code MUST be according to subset of UNCL 5189 D.16B. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-CL002 Reason code MUST be according to UNCL 7161 D.16B. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R001 Each order line SHALL have a document line identifier that is unique within the order. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R002 An order SHOULD provide information about its validity end date. |
warning |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R003 An order SHALL be stated in a single currency |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R004 Each order line ordered quantity SHALL not be negative |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R005 Each order line item net price SHALL not be negative |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R006 Expected total amount for payment SHALL NOT be negative |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R007 Expected total sum of line amounts SHALL NOT be negative |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R008 Expected total sum of line amounts SHALL equal the sum of the order line amounts at order line level |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R009 Expected total sum of allowance at document level SHALL be equal to the sum of allowance amounts at document level |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R010 Expected total sum of charges at document level SHALL be equal to the sum of charge amounts at document level |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R011 Expected total amount without VAT = Expected total sum of line amounts - Sum of allowances on document level + Sum of charges on document level |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R013 Each order line SHOULD have an ordered quantity |
warning |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R014 An order SHALL have the originator party name or an identifier |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R016 Amount due for payment = Invoice total amount with VAT - Paid amount + Rounding amount. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R017 Expected total amount with VAT = Expected total amount without VAT + Order total VAT amount. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R019 Item net price SHALL equal (Gross price - Allowance amount) when gross price is provided. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R020 Allowance/charge base amount SHALL be provided when allowance/charge percentage is provided. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R021 Allowance/charge percentage SHALL be provided when allowance/charge base amount is provided. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R022 Allowance/charge amount SHALL equal base amount * percentage/100 if base amount and percentage exists |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R023 Each document or line level allowance SHALL have an allowance reason text or an allowance reason code. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R024 Order line net amount SHALL equal (Ordered quantity * (Item net price/item price base quantity) + Order line charge amount - Order line allowance amount |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R025 Base quantity SHALL be a positive number above zero. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R026 Party VAT identifiers SHALL have a prefix in accordance with ISO code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 by which the country of issue may be identified. Nevertheless, Greece may use the prefix ‘EL’. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R027 The Item gross price SHALL NOT be negative. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R028 Elements of data type amount cannot have more than 2 decimals (I.e. all amounts except unit price amounts) |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R029 Each Tax Category SHALL have a VAT category rate, except if the order is not subject to VAT. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R030 When VAT category code is "Standard rated" (S) the VAT rate SHALL be greater than zero. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R032 Allowance or charge amounts SHALL NOT be negative. |
fatal |
EHF-P09-CHANGE-R033 Allowance or charge amounts SHALL NOT be negative. |
fatal |