cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"
Child elements
Card Name Description
0..n cbc:Description

Item description
A detailed description of the item. Use one description pr. language

Example value: Adhesive Loctite 480 20 g. Black rubber enforced adhesive for gluing of metal to metal or metal to rubber. Especially suitable for applications where the joining is put under cleavage or chock stress. Go to target=_blank for tips on general usage of this product.

0..1 cbc:PackQuantity

Pack quantity
The number of packed units that are in the orderable unit. E.g. if the orderable unit is a pallet that contains 30 boxes then the packed units are BOX and the packed quantity is 30.

Example value: 30

0..1 cbc:PackSizeNumeric

Consumable unit quantity
Specifies the number of consumable units that are in each orderable unit. See guideline on Items and packing units in a catalogue.

Example value: 12 stk

0..1 cbc:Name

Item name
A short name for an item. Item name should be a unique name that clearly identifies the product.

Example value: Adhesive Loctite 480 20 g

0..n cbc:Keyword

Item key words
Used to specify searchable keywords and/or synonyms for the Item. E.g. Item Name = Colgate or Total / Keyword =Toothpaste Note that key words should not be too generic, and words allready existing in item name or item description should not be repeated in the key words. If more than one key word is used in the same element, we recommend to use "%" as separator, but this should be agreed with the recipient of the catalogue.

Example value: glue%instant

0..n cbc:BrandName

Brand name
Brand name for the product.

0..1 cac:SellerItemIdentification

Seller item identification

0..1 cac:ManufacturersItemIdentification

Manufactures item identification

0..1 cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification

0..n cac:ItemSpecificationDocumentReference

Document reference

0..1 cac:OriginCountry

Country of origin

0..1 cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification

0..n cac:TransactionConditions

Transaction conditions

0..n cac:HazardousItem

Hazardous item

0..n cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory

Classified tax category

0..n cac:AdditionalItemProperty

Additional item property

0..1 cac:ManufacturerParty


0..1 cac:ItemInstance

Item instance

0..n cac:Certificate


0..n cac:Dimension
