Rules for PEPPOL BIS Credit Note defined by OpenPEPPOL.
Identifier/Error message | Flag |
EUGEN-T14-R004 If the payment means are international account transfer and the account id is IBAN then the financial institution should be identified by using the BIC id. |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R008 For each tax subcategory the category ID and the applicable tax percentage MUST be provided. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R012 An allowance percentage MUST NOT be negative. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R022 An allowance or charge amount MUST NOT be negative. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R023 An endpoint identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R024 A party identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R026 A currency code element MUST have a list identifier attribute 'ISO4217'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R027 A country identification code MUST have a list identifier attribute 'ISO3166-1:Alpha2'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R029 An allowance charge reason code MUST have a list identifier attribute 'UNCL4465'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R030 A unit code attribute MUST have a unit code list identifier attribute 'UNECERec20'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R031 A financial account identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R032 A tax category identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute 'UNCL5305'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R033 A document type code MUST have a list identifier attribute 'UNCL1001'. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R034 An delivery location identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R035 An credit note MUST have a seller name |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R036 An credit note MUST have a buyer name |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R037 An credit note MUST have a seller postal address |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R038 An credit note MUST have a buyer postal address |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R039 A supplier SHOULD provide information about its legal entity information |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R040 A customer SHOULD provide information about its legal entity information |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R041 The VAT identifier for the supplier SHOULD be prefixed with country code. |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R042 The tax amount per category MUST be the taxable amount multiplied by the category percentage. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R043 The total tax amount MUST equal the sum of tax amounts per category. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R044 If the tax currency code is different from the document currency code, the tax exchange rate MUST be provided |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R045 Tax exchange rate MUST specify the calculation rate and the operator code. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R046 If the tax currency code is different from the document currency code, each tax subtotal has to include the tax amount in both currencies |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R047 A credit note MUST refer either to an invoice or a credit note |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R048 A credit note should not contain empty elements |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R049 Document level amounts cannot have more than 2 decimals |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R050 Total tax amount cannot have more than 2 decimals. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R051 Tax subtotal amounts cannot have more than 2 decimals. |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R052 Document level amounts cannot have more than 2 decimals |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R053 Document level amounts cannot have more than 2 decimals |
fatal |
EUGEN-T14-R054 A party legal entity company identifier SHOULD have a scheme identifier attribute. |
warning |
EUGEN-T14-R055 Each credit note line MUST have a credit note line item name |
fatal |
OP-T14-R001 Contract document type code MUST be coded using UNCL 1001 list BII2 subset. |
fatal |
OP-T14-R002 An Endpoint Identifier Scheme MUST be from the list of PEPPOL Party Identifiers described in the "PEPPOL Policy for using Identifiers". |
fatal |
OP-T14-R003 An Party Identifier Scheme MUST be from the list of PEPPOL Party Identifiers described in the "PEPPOL Policy for using Identifiers". |
fatal |
OP-T14-R004 A payee account identifier scheme MUST be from the Account ID PEPPOL code list |
fatal |
OP-T14-R006 Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 |
fatal |
OP-T14-R008 A Party Company Identifier Scheme MUST be from the list of PEPPOL Party Identifiers described in the "PEPPOL Policy for using Identifiers". |
fatal |
OP-T14-R009 TaxCurrencyCode MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 |
fatal |
OP-T14-R010 SourceCurrencyCode MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 |
fatal |
OP-T14-R011 TargetCurrencyCode MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 |
fatal |
OP-T14-R012 The unit code used has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. |
warning |
OP-T14-R013 The unit code used has been marked for change in a future release so that will be prefixed with an X. As example code AE will become code XAE. |
warning |
OP-T14-R039 An account identifier MUST be present if payment means type is funds transfer |
fatal |
OP-T14-R041 A payment means MUST specify the payment means type |
fatal |