eDelivery provider
Aspects related to use of the Peppol network for transmissions in Peppol Payment. This includes providers of Access Point (AP) providers and Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) providers (SPs).
- AP providers operating in the Peppol Payment domain is required to sign with the DFØ as the Norwegian Peppol Authority (PA). APs signing with other PAs is required to sign Annex 5 with DFØ. Please see the Agreements page for agreement documentation.
Relevant documentation
Use of (enhanced) PEPPOL eDelivery network for exchange of ISO 20022-based payment messages
Rulebook is the overarching documentation for implementers of Peppol Payment.
Security requirements for secure file transactions contains extra sequrity requirements for systems and implementations part of Peppol Payment interexchange.
Processes contains an overview of the process definitions used and the identifiers used in envelopes (i.e. SBDH) and SMPs for lookup and routing.
Additional requirements
There are extra requirements for Access Points operating in Peppol Payment. It is up the each and every AP to make sure to align their operations according to the requirements.
A test report template must be completed, sent to peppolmydinghet@dfo.no and accepted by the Peppol Authority before exchanging production workloads.